1. Start with Inspiration
Everything starts with inspiration. Maybe you played a game that left a lasting impression on you, or you saw an animation that made you feel something unexpected.
Maybe it’s not even a finished work that inspires you—sometimes, a glitch in a program, an abstract pattern in nature, or even a random thought while walking outside can spark an idea.
The key to making something great isn’t just copying what you love, but understanding why you love it.
What about it fascinates you?
What makes it worth experiencing?
Once you recognize that, you can remake its essence in your own way. Your goal isn’t to duplicate—it’s to translate what you feel into something new.
Don’t worry if you don’t have a fully fleshed-out idea yet. That’s normal. The creative process is iterative. You start with something, and then you refine, change, and grow it.
The important thing is to start—even if you don’t know where it’s going yet.
2. Pick Your Medium
Once you have an idea (or even just an itch to create), the next step is choosing how to express it. The medium you pick determines a lot about the final work.
- Do you want to make a game? If so, what kind? A puzzle, a platformer, a simulation?
- Are you more interested in an animation? Something abstract? A looping scene?
- Maybe you want to create a simulation, something interactive that generates emergent behavior.
If you’re here, you’re likely interested in JavaScript and HTML5—great choice. These tools are flexible, lightweight, and instantly accessible. You don’t need a game engine, just a browser and some code.
Plus, you can make basically anything with these web tools—from simple pixel-based games to generative art, physics simulations, or even full-fledged interactive experiments.
At this stage, don’t worry too much about limitations or technical details. Just pick the medium that best conveys what you want to make. You can always adapt and create new ideas as you go.
3. Embrace Randomness
One of the best ways to get started is by playing with randomness. Instead of trying to force an idea into existence, try exploring chaos and seeing what patterns emerge.
- If you’re making a game, start by placing objects randomly on the screen and see what happens.
- If you’re working with animation, apply some randomness to movement, color, or shapes.
- If you’re building a simulation, tweak variables at random and observe the results.
From this randomness, you’ll start noticing patterns you like—small moments of beauty or interesting interactions. Once you see something that clicks, extend it. Build around it. This is the method of Appreciate and Perpetuate.
Try to create a structured space that showcases why you think it’s worth sharing. Sometimes that structure is hidden in randomness that must be manipulated in a certain way to see it.
This process of exploration and refinement is where the real magic happens. Many of the best ideas don’t start with a clear goal—they emerge naturally from experimentation. Create a space and play in it.
4. Let the Work Itself Inspire You
A common misconception about creativity is that inspiration comes before you start. But in reality, inspiration often comes during the process of making. The simple act of creating—putting something on the screen, moving things around, debugging errors—leads to new ideas.
Your art will likely change dramatically from your initial idea, and that’s a good thing. Many great projects were born from unexpected discoveries during development.
This is why debugging isn’t just a chore—it’s an essential part of the creative process. Every time something goes wrong, you’re forced to think differently, to try new approaches, and sometimes, that leads to a breakthrough. Some of the most unique artistic styles and gameplay mechanics have come from accidents.
So don’t just tolerate mistakes—embrace them. Let them guide you toward something you wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.
5. Honesty and Authenticity Are Key
At the end of the day, the best creations come from a place of genuine curiosity. Don’t make something just because you think it’ll be popular or because you feel like you should.
Make something because you want to experience it—because it doesn’t exist yet, but you wish it did.
The best work is honest because people resonate with authenticity. It doesn’t try to be something it’s not. It doesn’t follow trends for the sake of trends. It reflects the things that fascinate you.
So if you’re not sure what to make, ask yourself:
- What’s something you wish existed but doesn’t?
- What’s something that has always intrigued you but you’ve never seen explored fully?
- What’s a feeling, pattern, or interaction that captivates you?
- What's something you like that you want to make your own version of?
Start there.
And remember—art is never finished. Just like debugging code, the creative process is ongoing. Your first version of an idea will never be perfect. It’s the process of making, observing, tweaking, and making again that leads to something great.
The important thing isn’t getting it right the first time—it’s starting.